Fiscal Year 2025 Priority Projects
Project Name | Description | Status | Quarter |
Annual Giving Summary | Develop a report for Annual Giving Summary Requests so that Advancement Services can send reports to donor or units that request the Annual Giving Summary during tax season. | Completed | Q1 |
ASGP Solicitation & Strategy - Q1 | Provide data for mail, email, phone, and stewardship campaigns based on a comprehensive multi-channel strategy so that the Annual and Special Giving Program can raise funds and acquire new donors for colleges, schools, and units. | Completed | Q1 |
Add Fund Purpose to Allocation Codes for New Undergraduate Student Aid Funds | Develop and apply a new sub-purpose code for student support allocations in Advance to help search, track and report the type of student funds to assist in stewardship and provide assistance in tracking which funds are available for undergraduate financial aid assistance. | Completed | Q1 |
Move Current Crowdfunding Platform to GiveCampus | Transition the current Crowdfunding platform from to GiveCampus in order to keep the donor experience consistent between the platforms. | In Sprint | Q1 |
Advance Entity Update Messaging | Develop a notification system for Advance's Entity Update feature that provides messaging to users on update status. | Not Started | Q1 |
Faculty/Staff Load Fall (in September) | Identify Advance entities that are Faculty, Faculty-Former, Employee, or former Employees and update employment information so that we can better assist our constituents with employee giving strategies. | Completed | Q1 |
Faculty/Staff Load Summer (in July) | Identify Advance entities that are Faculty, Faculty-Former, Employee, or former Employees and update employment information so that we can better assist our constituents with employee giving strategies. | Completed | Q1 |
Gift Unique Identifier | Enhance GREAT & Accounting systems to have and dispalay unique indentifiers for all gift transactions. | Not Started | Q1 |
GiveCampus - Go-Live | Deploy and transition our online giving site to GiveCampus so that we can use GiveCampus as the platform to accept online gift donations, pledges, and recurring payments. | Completed | Q1 |
GiveCampus - Build Carryover | Continue implementing a shopping cart feature on our Give Site ( to allow donors to select multiple allocations. This will provide a better donor experience and modernize our Give Site similar to other major fundraising programs. In addition, we will expand the giving options to include the use of Venmo, PayPal and Apple Pay processors. | Completed | Q1 |
Grad Load Spring (in September) | Add all Spring graduates and their associated data to Advance so that they can be easily identified as UC Davis alumni in data pulls. | Completed | Q1 |
Post-Campaign Gift Reporting | Develop UC Davis Post-Campaign Gift Reporting similiar to the UC Davis Campaign Reporting suite in order to have continuity and easy access to the Post-Campaign donor and gift information. | Completed | Q1 |
Remove LGA Condition to Batch Securities Gift in GREAT | Enhance GREAT to make processing securities faster. | Completed | Q1 |
Retiree Load - Summer (in Sept) | Identify Advance entities that are Faculty or Employees and update their information to reflect their Retiree status so that we can better assist our constituents to engage this population. | Completed | Q1 |
UCDH Solicitation and Strategy - Q1 | Provide data to support the solicitation and stewardship efforts of UC Davis Health annual giving to raise funds and increase donor count. | Completed | Q1 |
"Update My Info" Data Automation | Automate the syncing of biographical data from Anthology with Advance to improve the speed in which constituent information can be utilized for external marketing and communications. | In Sprint | Q1 |
Recruitment Intake Form | Completed | Q1 | |
Receipting (CG-001) updates | Streamline cg-001/004 daily receipting process and make changes to the user interface where needed. | In Sprint | Q1 |
ASGP Solicitation & Strategy - Q2 | Provide data for mail, email, phone, and stewardship campaigns based on a comprehensive multi-channel strategy so that the Annual and Special Giving Program can raise funds and acquire new donors for colleges, schools, and units. | Completed | Q2 |
CAAA Engagement Dashboard Update | Enhance the CAAA Engagement Dashboard to allow for each college/school/units the ability to see the engagement of their constituencies through Alumni Association events. | Not Started | Q2 |
Consolidate Servers: devs-ais-etl and devs-sql16-dev | Integrate the Advancement Services ETL and SQL16 data architecture into a single server to lower associated costs. | Not Started | Q2 |
Crowdfund UC Davis - November | Implement a robust crowdfunding program (including vetting and approving all crowdfunding solicitations) to track participation, acquire new donors and increase donor participation. This will include the SVM-specific co-hort only. | Completed | Q2 |
Crowdfund UC Davis - October | Implement a robust crowdfunding program (including vetting and approving all crowdfunding solicitations) to track participation, acquire new donors, and increase donor participation. This will include October co-hort (25+ projects) and Athletic's Champions Achieve. | Completed | Q2 |
Create Datawarehouse Planning Committee | Form a data warehouse committee and develop 1, 3, and 5 year plans for Advancement Services to construct a data warehouse to better suppose all DEVAR related reporting. | Not Started | Q2 |
Faculty/Staff Load Winter (in December) | Identify Advance entities that are Faculty, Faculty-Former, Employee, or former Employees and update employment information so that we can better assist our constituents with employee giving strategies. | Completed | Q2 |
Give Re-brand Post Campaign | Re-brand our Give Site ( so that it matches other materials and collateral post-compaign. | Completed | Q2 |
GiveCampus - Bug Fixes | Reserve work capacity to address bugs and issues that arise after the GiveCampus Go-Live deployment and transition. | In Sprint | Q2 |
Grad Load Summer (in November) | Add all Summer graduates and their associated data to Advance so that they can be easily identified as UC Davis alumni in data pulls. | In Sprint | Q2 |
Create and Implement New Entity Codes for Interns | Develop new processes for loading and identifying clinical interns that coordinate with our fellowship and resident processes and reporting so we can include this new alumni audience in future mailings and campaigns. | Not Started | Q2 |
Replace Michelangelo Pro | Develop a replacement platform for Michelangelo Pro to provide greater stability and customization at a lesser cost while maintaining key functionality for filters, outputs, and security groups. | In Sprint | Q2 |
Health ROI (Appeals) Reporting | Develop ROI reports for Health allocations similar to those used by Annual and Special Gifts Programs in order to make strategic decisions, share business plan progress, and reduce costs. | In Sprint | Q2 |
Transition Regional Campaign Reports | Transition currently existing UC Davis Campaign reports, 004-Geographical Giving & 005 Geographical Giving Table, to the Regional Giving Program reporting suite to enhance DO and leadership usability in the near and long term. | Completed | Q2 |
Retiree Load - Winter (in December) | Identify Advance entities that are Faculty or Employees and update their information to reflect their Retiree status so that we can better assist our constituents to engage this population. | Completed | Q2 |
Split DO Metrics App into Metrics and Portfolio Management Apps | Divide current DO Metrics reporting into 2 separate reporting suites with specific individual focuses: DO Metrics and Portfolio Management. | Not Started | Q3 |
UCDH Solicitation and Strategy - Q2 | Provide data to support the solicitation and stewardship efforts of UC Davis Health annual giving to raise funds and increase donor count. | Completed | Q2 |
Annual Gift Receipts | Generate and send receipts to our recurring gift donors and donors who have requested to only receive one receipt per year. Generate and send specific receipts to Canadian donors in order to preserve our status as a non-profit organization under Canadian law. | Completed | Q3 |
ASGP Solicitation & Strategy - Q3 | Provide data for mail, email, phone, and stewardship campaigns based on a comprehensive multi-channel strategy so that the Annual and Special Giving Program can raise funds and acquire new donors for colleges, schools, and units. | In Sprint | Q3 |
Crowdfund UC Davis - December | Implement a robust crowdfunding program (including vetting and approving all crowdfunding solicitations to track participation) to acquire new donors and increase donor participation. This will include the Children's Hospital Toy Drive (mid-Nov-Dec. 25) and a handful of Giving Tuesday projects in late Nov. /early Dec. | Completed | Q3 |
Crowdfund UC Davis - February | Implement a robust crowdfunding program (including vetting and approving all crowdfunding solicitations) to track participation, acquire new donors and increase donor participation. This will include the Feb. co-hort only. | In Sprint | Q3 |
DEVAR Business Plan Form (Power Automate) | Develop an electronic business plan workflow to allow for approval routing, tracking, and reporting to replace the current Word document format. | In Sprint | Q3 |
Faculty/Staff Load Spring (in March) | Identify Advance entities that are Faculty, Faculty-Former, Employee, or Former Employees and update employment information so that we can better assist our constituents with employee giving strategies. | Not Started | Q3 |
Grad Load Fall (in March) | Add all Fall graduates and their associated data to Advance so that they can be easily identified as UC Davis alumni in data pulls. | Not Started | Q3 |
Rooftop Geo-Coding | Enhance DEVAR reporting to accurately map address locations for building populations within designated areas. | Not Started | Q3 |
UCDH Solicitation and Strategy - Q3 | Provide data to support the solicitation and stewardship efforts of UC Davis Health annual giving to raise funds and increase donor count. | In Sprint | Q3 |
Winter Admissions Load | Update Advance with incoming student information and their parents so that our constituents can form fundraising strategies for this group. | Not Started | Q3 |
Joint Gift Indicator - Web gift batches | Automate web gift processing to update the joint gift credit information as indicated by the entity's Advance record. | In Sprint | Q3 |
ASGP Solicitation & Strategy - Q4 | Provide data for mail, email, phone, and stewardship campaigns based on a comprehensive multi-channel strategy so that the Annual and Special Giving Program can raise funds and acquire new donors for colleges, schools, and units. | Not Started | Q4 |
PMR Server Migration | Migrate prospect-related data to a more accessible space so that Prospect Research Management can efficiently use and maintain prospect data. | In Sprint | Q4 |
Develop and Implement an Improved Day of Giving Strategy for UC Davis | Develop and improve upon our processes for the Give Day in April 2025 so we can raise more funds and acquire more donors. | Not Started | Q4 |
Fall Admissions Load - Phase 1 (May) | Update Advance with incoming freshman student and parent information so that our constituents can form fundraising strategies for this group as soon as the data becomes available. | Not Started | Q4 |
Fall Admissions Load - Phase 2 (June) | Update Advance with incoming student and parent information so that our constituents can form fundraising strategies for this group as soon as the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) data is available for transfer students. | Not Started | Q4 |
Grad Load Summer (in November) | Add all Winter graduates and their associated data to Advance so that they can be easily identified as UC Davis alumni in data pulls. | In Sprint | Q4 |
Personnel Action Form | Develop a new personnel action form to collect data and provide electronic approval routing for personnel/payroll related actions such as reclassifications, stipends, and equity. | Not Started
| Q4 |
Retiree Load - Spring (in April) | Identify Advance entities that are Faculty or Employee and update their information to reflect their retiree status so that we can better assist our constituents to engage this population. | Not Started | Q4 |
UCDH Solicitation and Strategy - Q4 | Provide data to support the solicitation and stewardship efforts of UC Davis Health annual giving to raise funds and increase donor count. | Not Started | Q4 |
Advance Server Upgrade: Proof of Concept | Assess the viability of moving Advance to an updated server environment in order to financially plan for an upgrade or conversion. | In Sprint | Flex |
Bounced Email Reconciliation / Third-Party Email Verification Services | Establish a process to regularly update Advance email statuses to reflect Anthology's "bad" email information to improve Advance email integrity. | Not Started | Flex |
FundMiner Integration | Integrate a new gift administration and fund management tool to assist with gift fund compliance and manage fund monitoring. | Not Started | Flex |
GREAT Code Modernization | Modernize GREAT code in order to improve maintenance and stability. | Not Started | Flex |
GREAT Ghost Gift Report | Develop a report for Advancement Services that will find discrepancies in gift transactons between GREAT and Advance. | Not Started | Flex |
Health Data Schema in Oracle | Build a list of logical structures of data for commonly used health fields with strict security to save us time on health solicitations and provide more data security for patients. | Not Started | Flex |
Anthology Reports/ Dashboards via API | Enhance the Anthology Email Metric API to generate new reports and/or dashboards that provide better understanding of constituent engagement and overall email communication health. | Not Started | Flex |
Missing Gift Tender Notifications | Enhance GREAT to improve missing gift tender notifications to be more aligned with current processes. | Completed | Flex |
Move dev-ais-etl SSIS Critical Jobs into DEVAUTOMATION | Migrate all reports using SSIS to DEVAUTOMATION for improved security and reliability | Not Started | Flex |
Planned Giving Outright Gift Report | Develop a report for the Planned Giving Team to track Real Estate and other Gift-in-Kind donations that Planned Giving solicits and records in order to accurately manage the various ongoing discussions and stages of these gift solicitations. | Not Started | Flex |
Retiree/Emeriti Dashboard | Develop a new Power BI report for Retiree and Emeriti similiar to the Employee Giving Participation Dashboard so that we can better understand our donor trends. | Not Started | Flex |
Capture and Secure Storage of UCDHS Physician Referral Patient Data | Develop a secure HIPAA-compliant solution to store physician referrals for the Grateful Patient program. | Not Started | Flex |
DCC/Gift Club Reports and Maintenance | Maintain and enhance our Davis Chancellors Club and other Gift Club reports so that we can continue to ensure data accuracy. | In Sprint | Ongoing |
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